Friday, June 27, 2008


Today I downloaded the FireBug Add-on for FireFox. It is very cool tool. I thought the IE toolbar is very useful tool for debugging the UI related issue on the web app. So far, I only play a few functioanlities and I am very impressed. Specially, the "inspect" function. Once you click the button and move the mouse over the page you are looking at, the FireBug will take you directly to the section over the rendered HTML code and show all the style information on the right panel.

You can get FireBug from

Monday, June 23, 2008

social bookmarking: is a very convienent online bookmark tool. I found it very helpful to put all your bookmark in a central place. It saves me the trouble from email links to my home in order to keep the bookmark in sync.

You also can share your links with your friends. (i didn't try this feature yet.)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ASP.NET Security: 8 Ways to Avoid Attack

Found a nice article on the Divx on how to avoid attack for by Wei Meng Lee. All the tips are short and easy to understand.
Tip 1—Cross-site Scripting
Tip 2 —SQL Injection
Tip 3—Validate your User Inputs
Tip 4—Use Hashing to Store your Passwords
Tip 5—Encrypt Sensitive Data
Tip 6—Store Secure Information in the Registry
Tip 7—Do Some Housekeeping before You Deploy Your Web Application
Tip 8—Use Sessions, but Not Cookie-less Sessions

For details, click

Prevent Cross-Site Scripting in

Found a great article on MSDN on how to prevent the cross-site scripting in Here is the link:

Monday, June 16, 2008 Set MaxLength in muliti-line textbox

When set the MaxLength property in the textbox, it will prevent user to enter text longer than the MaxLength value. However, when you change the TextMode from SingleLine to MultiLine, the MaxLength property has no effect.

Here is a work-around for this issue:
const int LENGTH_TEXT = 100;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

= "function isMaxLength(txtBox) {";
+= " if(txtBox) { ";
+= " return ( txtBox.value.length <=" + LENGTH_TEXT + ");";
+= " }";
+= "}";

this.txtMyTextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return isMaxLength(this);");
lengthFunction ,

Click here for more detail.

Debug with FireFox in Visual Studio 2005

There are times when we need to make sure that our code not only works with IE, but also with other popular web browsers, such as FireFox.

Here are the steps to do this:
1. Right click the aspx page;
2. Select "browser with" option;
3. In the pop up dialog box, select "add" to add a broswer. Find and point to firefox.exe
4. Click the "Set as Default" button.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cropper in C#

Today I find a very nice screen capture tool. It's small, light, easy to use, FREE, and written in C#. So, no more Ctrl+PrintScreen, then paste to paint to edit.

New step: select the size of the screen need to be captured and double click!! (make sure to select the output types. I like the "clipboard" option to save it to memeory, so I can paste directly in the word doc or outlook email)

It will save the picture to the memory or file (jpeg, bmp, and png)

Brian Scott : Cropper in C#