tip 1: don't need to select a line to copy or delete it
If you want to copy a line of code then you can simply press CTRL-c to copy the line and press CTRL-v to paste the line. If you want to delete a line, don’t select it first, just press CTRL-x. You’ll be surprised how much time this one tip will save you.
tip 3: Never create properties by hand
just type prop + TAB + TAB. When you type prop + TAB + TAB, you get a code snippet (template) for entering a property. Use TAB to move between the template parameters. Press the ENTER key when you are finished creating the propert.
I found these two are most useful and time saving for me. Others are at: http://weblogs.asp.net/stephenwalther/archive/2008/10/21/essential-visual-studio-tips-amp-tricks-that-every-developer-should-know.aspx